Two nights kayaking with Kiri and Philip on Indian arm, sleeping at Granite Falls the first night, and Twin Islands the second.
We started on Thursday afternoon with a leisurely lunch at Caites Park before picking up our rental kayaks at a little after 1pm. Starting at this time meant that the tide was flowing in which, in addition to the southerly wind, gave us quite a speed boost; we could almost coast all the way!
On the way up we got to see some cool sea stars and many seals, who would come an investigate us as we passed.
At Granite Falls there were only two or three other groups, so we would have a quiet evening. The falls themselves were certainly impressive, and the views up the remainder of Indian Arm from the campsite were great.
Leaving early next morning we followed the tide out to Twin Islands. Being much closer to the city — and this being a Friday — there were certainly more people around than there had been at Granite Falls, though luckily the tree cover dampened the noise somewhat, and allowed us to pass another quiet evening.
The following morning we again left early in order to avoid the midday sun, and were returning our kayaks at around 11am.
A fun trip; would do again!